Daddy Can Doula Class

This is a 3 hour class teaching men how to assist their partner in labor. There you will learn the signs and stages of transit as well as helpful tools and tricks to best comfort and support your partner. In many states Covid still has a restriction to just one person in the room for delivery. You or your partner will become the best advocate for mom with full understanding of what to expect in labor as well as hospital practices.
Lactating Lady Class

This is a 90minute class on everything breastfeeding. You will understand the indicators for when your child is hungry. You will learn feeding schedules to best help your little one start to sleep through the night. You will learn diet and remedies to help you best produce along with producing the best milk for baby.
Along with transitional milk once lactation goals have been between mom and baby.
Nappy Knowledge

This is a 90-minute class on everything cloth diapers. With the new found knowledge on the harms of modern diapers many families are making a conscious and cost-effective decision to provide what is healthy and not harmful for their child. As it has been a long-lost practice, this class will address how to use the nappy, best identify the right ones to buy, and how to care for the baby and best maintain the cloth diaper. We will go over all the things you need to best prepare for your family's cloth diaper journey.
Childbirth Education

This is a 2hour class to educate you on the signs and stages of transit. You will have more knowledge which allows you to cope best during the birth of your child.